The Truth About Kratom Strains


I’m not sure why kratom strains aren’t talked about more, or at least clarified. I think it took me almost a year into my kratom journey before I knew what kratom strains actually were.

Maybe sometime in the past, red bali actually came from the Bali region in Indonesia, (Malay from Malaysia, Vietnam from Vietnam etc…) but now, kratom mainly comes from the borneo region of Indonesia.

Basically, companies get batches of kratom. There are some that argue that all kratom is actually red, but I really do believe that you can find small batch farmers where the leaf is pure and true to its color (green, white, red, and sometimes even gold/yellow). This is due to the vein color and maturity of the leaf. So, for example, the vendor will get a red, green, and white batch from an Indonesian “middle man” who then likely gets it from a warehouse and have it shipped over to the US. Then, they take those batches and usually lab test them. From there, they mix different combinations of the colors and give them strain names. A green MD might be 90% green, 10% white, or a super green can be a blend of two different “green” batches. This is where I truly love finding small batch vendors because they typically have the highest quality and best effects. Just like you might want to try Wagyu beef where the cows are cared for and the meat is of high quality, you can find that with kratom. It’s just harder to find these vendors and they tend to sell their batches quickly.

A company I really enjoy is Lucky Herbals and they run on membership only. They call their “person”, the leaf is freshly harvested and to them within two weeks. How cool is that!? And they still do the lab testing.

I hope this adds some clarity to you about kratom strains. I personally love fun names like ones from Kreepi Tiki such as golden mummy, alien energy, etc. Basically what I am saying is, don’t take kratom strains to heart too much. Try sample packs when you can and, from there, you can hopefully find certain batches that you love.


What is Kratom?