Black Seed Oil : The Magical Oil You Should Try!

Black seed oil has numerous benefits, but most notably, this oil is great for withdrawals. Find the study here. It not only helps you to taper off of medications, or anything you’ve been taking regularly for a long time, but it also helps the body recover.

Here is a link to my favorite black seed oil. You want to find ones high in thymoquinone because that is the magic that helps you feel better. Don’t buy the cheap ones that can be filled with just olive oil. Oil or capsule both work just as well! I take as directed on the bottle.

I personally feel that my digestion has gotten better since taking it. It’s also great for hair, skin, and nails. You can use it topically and cook with it too! Because of its anti-inflammatory benefits, it can be great for rheumatoid arthritis as well as other inflammatory conditions. It is known to help high cholesterol and high blood pressure too. Anti-fungal properties make it useful if you have candida, and there are so many more benefits that I won’t list here.

Please ask your doctor before taking this if you have any questions.


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